Maintenance subsidy for monumental buildings

Renovating a monumental building
Renovating a monumental or listed historical building and changing it into a modern home, while retaining authentic elements? For many it is a dream. Just think of the popularity of pre-war houses and farmhouses. With the right budget, an authentic, characteristic house can be fully equipped with all comfort. However, it costs quite a bit to achieve that goal. And that’s not all. Renovating a monument doesn’t relieve you of high maintenance costs. The older the building, the more maintenance is required.
Subsidies for monuments
Fortunately, such maintenance is not only in the interest of the owner. According to the government, caring for monuments is in the collective interest. That is why the government grants a subsidy to owners of national monuments or listed historical buildings. Are you the owner of a monumental house? In that case you can get up to 38 percent of the maintenance costs subsidized. You have to pre-finance the amount, and receive the subsidie afterwards. This regulation replaces the tax deductibility for private owners of national monuments as of 2019. The NOS also reported this at the end of last year.
Maintenance work
The subsidy scheme for monuments is not limited to specialist maintenance work specific to the monumental status. Regular maintenance, such as repairing roofs and gutters and paint- and masonry-work, is also eligible for subsidy. After all, the underlying idea is that the monument is kept in a good condition. However, the subsidy is reserved for maintenance work only. Renovations are officially not covered by the regulation.
Additionally, the subsidy scheme is intended for necessary maintenance. Literally it is named a “Instandhoudingssubsidie”, or conservation subsidy. Paintwork with the purpose of (overdue) maintenance is eligible, but those who are simply ready for a fresh new color will have to pay for it themselves. Irrespective of the question whether another color is even allowed within the framework of the monumental status of the building. Either way, it is something to consider, during maintenance and renovations of monuments.
Other monuments
Not every monument is a home. It’s self-evident that owners of monuments that are not suitable for residential purposes are also eligible for subsidies. In fact, the subsidy regulation for non-residential buildings is more favorabel than the one for residential buildings. Owners of non-residential property with a monumental status can receive up to 60 percent of the maintenance costs.
Wether you live in a national monument, an older not-listed historical building or even in a relatively new home; maintenance is important. For your own living comfort and for the appearance and value of the property. Don’t unnecessarily postpone maintenance and choose to work with a craftsman. This is to your own advantage and pleasure. And if you do live in a monumental building, the government makes that choice just a little easier for you.